

Aktivite Programı Adana



Effective Between APRIL
Monday18:00-18:40SpeakingA1-A2What is your dream job?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingB-CHow well do you work with people?ILLINOIS
How have your priorities changed over time?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingA1-A2Are you an organised person? What do you do?ILLINOIS
Wednesday18:00-18:40SpeakingA1-A2What is a traditional breakfast in you country?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingB-CIs first impression important? Why and why not?ILLINOIS
Thursday18:00-18:40SpeakingB-CHow well do you work  with people?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingA1-A2Who brings you happiness in your life? How?ILLINOIS
Friday18:00-18:40SpeakingA1-A2Where do you see yourself in five years?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingB-CDo you like funny or serious advertisements? What makes a good advertisement?ILLINOIS
B-CDo you prefer eating at home or eating out? Do you eat meals differently now compared to when you were little?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingA1-A2How many people are there in your immediate family? Why is family important to you?ILLINOIS
Sunday18:00-18:40SpeakingA1-A2What do you do in your free time?ILLINOIS

B-CWhat would you like to change about your lifestyle?ILLINOIS


Effective Between APRIL
Monday18:00-18:40SpeakingA1-A2Where is your favourite place to be?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingB-CDo you belive ignorance is bliss?ILLINOIS
What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingA1-A2Where was the last place you visited on holiday?ILLINOIS
Wednesday18:00-18:40SpeakingA1-A2Has a foreign visitor ever stayed at your home?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingB-CWhat is something people are always suprised to learn about you?ILLINOIS
Thursday18:00-18:40SpeakingB-CDo you believe men and women can ever be just friends?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingA1-A2Why do some people find it hard to make decisions?ILLINOIS
Friday18:00-18:40SpeakingA1-A2What's you daily routine like?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingB-CTell us abouty the most life changing piece of advice you have ever heard?ILLINOIS
B-CDo you prefer watching movies in their original language or in your mother tongue? Why?ILLINOIS
 18:50-19:30SpeakingA1-A2What is your perfect weekend and what would you do?ILLINOIS
Sunday18:00-18:40SpeakingA1-A2What is your career goals?ILLINOIS

B-CWhat has been the best part of the month so far? why?ILLINOIS

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